Animated Valentines Day Project

As an early years teacher, I always loved creating the classic Valentines Day (or Mothers Day) artwork where we would cut out a picture of our students blowing a kiss - with gorgeous hearts glued so they appear to flow from students hands. This year though - I thought it would be fun to create an animated version of the same thing 🫶🏻 The results were pretty cute 🙌🏻

Whilst it may just seem like we are creating an animation for a “hallmark” holiday - the skills learnt in this process can be used across all other curriculum areas in a range of creative ways. If you would love to create your own versions of this animation, I have put together two different options for you. Both have Keynote files to download - you can either tap the links in amongst the text under each option, or they have been added again at the bottom of the post.

OPTION ONE: Valentine’s Animation - Simplified

This version has the most complex part of the project - the animated hearts - already completed for you. All you need to do is add a photo of your students along with a digital drawing and voice recording (both optional). The video demonstration will walk you (or your students) through the entire process. This is the perfect option for early years teachers who would like to create these on behalf/along side of students. Tap here to access the partially completed Keynote deck, and you can view the video below to follow along with the demonstration.

OPTION TWO: Valentine’s Animation - Starting from a blank slide

With this version you will start with a blank Keynote slide, or download this Keynote deck to use the same background as me. You will then add the photo, hearts, drawing and voice audio, and add all the animations required. This video will take you step by step though the entire process.


Keynote Green Screen


Using Markup in the Classroom